Monday, February 16, 2009

Living da vida loca!

Hey, bloggers unite!

Can you imagine a world where bloggers were organized and categorized? A world where the national press and especially the print media, were on the same level as your casual blogger?

Well, in my view(from above, that is...), this is a scenario that will become commonplace, and soon. And how! And how, you ask? Print media is a dying business. Everyone knows it, we all just don't know when it will officially be dead. Next tuesday? Maybe... Most likely, it will be a slow and painful death, with the print media's main components switching to the interweb as the "print news" divisions become more about blogging and social interaction... because, how else can they compete? With paper? How 90's(1890's that is...)

If I can be serious for a minute... ah screw it, bloggers unite!